Marlborough Hospice
Marlborough Hospice fundraising - 2008.
I was invited to make a piece for the Marlborough Hospice fundraising event in 2008. This work "Angel Wings" took about two months to emerge. For the months preceding I kept noticing angels; in pictures, in the fabulous mosaics of Josie Martin's Akaroa garden and photographs of angel statues from a graveyard in Buenos Aires, taken and printed larger than life by my brother-in-law, artist, Nigel Buxton and stapled to the wall of the room where I sleep when I visit them in Christhcurch.
The vase always seemed to know what it was going to be, but for me the process was very long, slow, careful and deliberate. Of course there were stages when I thought it was a disaster and weeks of wasted work. But, when I decided to include the poem "Angel Wings" (written a couple of months earlier for my older sister Teresa who was visiting from UK) the work resolved itself and I felt it was complete.
Sometimes it feels like a bit of an "archaeological dig" discovering these pieces and it was a wonderful opportunity for me to find this one.
To view the work please click on the images: